tos 2

This is 13+ as it's SFW, if we find out you are under the age of 13, you will be banned from discord! We also report users that claim to be underage to Discord's T&S, so please refrain from joking about being under 13.
Making alts will be punished <------
Do not join just to ask for account.
Speak English only.
No Racism, sexism or hate-speech in any way, shape or form.
No NSFW! This includes avatars, custom status, talks, violent-talk. Any form of predatory activity will result in a permanent ban.
No doxxing, you will face a permanent ban for this and a possible TOS-Report.
No harassment!
Toxicity is not tolerated.
All types of advertising is strictly forbidden. You will be banned!
Avoid spam at all costs! We ban for this
Do not bury main channels with bot-commands.
No bypassing blacklisted words, they're in place to keep a safe environment for all users.
No Raiding in any way.
Unnecessary staff pinging will be punished do not ping for no reason.
No trash-talking the server management in any fashion or form, this is frowned upon, you will be banned if you talk badly upon the server while being in the server, you are not obligated to stay.
Satire/banter is fine as long as it doesn't fall under violation of our rules or Discord's Community Guidelines.
Enjoy your time in the server and invite your friends!
Use common sense, if something is not listed here, does not mean it's not against the rules. You will be punished severely.
Any server-related issues or an issue about content that goes unmoderated, please reach out to our staff, we will take action promptly!

DDoSing websiteby any way will not be tolarated so please do not do it in any form or shape thank you